Ennui for free

Welcome to my blog! It should be smooooth sailing, folks ... I'm kidding. It shan't be - at least I hope not. Upsetting? Perhaps. Neurotic? Probably. But I assure you that it will always remain far from unreadable. In all earnestness, please enjoy. I hope this isn't a waste of your time ... because I'll admit to you, - friend, stranger, critic, etc - with my heart, beating, vulnerable and moist on my sleeve - it will never be a waste of mine.

Friday, April 25, 2008

change of address

Forgot to tell you that I changed my blog. No big reason for it except that I have more friends on this other side of the fence.

That's funny cuz I almost hopped a real fence today. Good I didn't, would have totally gotten hurt.

anyways, see you there.
