Things that I just can't stand, but that I actually really love.
LAUNDRY Everyone will prolly agree with this one. . . but here's the thing - I actually love laundry. I like taking good care of my clothes, I even especially love to baby my vintage and/or sentimental pieces. I like putting it out in the sun too [if you didn't already know, a good half of your laundry should never visit the dryer for more than 5-10 minutes].
What I really hate is doing laundry in a laundry room at an apartment complex. It's incredibly heavy to move to the laundry room. It's expensive. You can't do small loads cuz it's more expensive. It's harder to baby the dryer. You have to go back and forth all day to move it over. You have to share with neighbors. And then sometimes those neighbors will take your laundry out of the washers! I'm sorry but no one like to know that your damp undies have been manhandled! God, I just hate every part of doing laundry at an apartment. But - I actually like laundry.

STEAMED RICE If you know me at all, you know that I love carbs. I will eat oatmeal and pancakes for breakfast (made from scratch, thank you very much), rice for lunch and then rice for dinner, and then maybe cereal or a piece of toast for a midnight snack. Ok, this is an exaggeration, but still. My relationship with steamed white rice is special to say the least (it's actually boiled, why do they call it steamed? hmmm, just realized that), and I will never compromise it for any fad hollywood diet. I feel complete dismay cuz now my mom thinks she's fat because of it. Rice has been a staple for many cultures ever since time freakin' began. And being Filipino, I can't think of any more exciting sounds than that click sound of the rice cooker tab when it pops up letting you know that your steaming pot of hot rice is ready for your mouth!
I even saw a mini documentary on the man-made "8th wonder of the world" Banaue Rice Terraces of the Philippines. It's now on my list of places I wanna visit very soon. I'll prolly do a worship dance when I get there. . . . all joking aside, I'll prolly actually cry when I see it, and then dance. it means alot to me because the whole thing requires a lot of care, mostly done completely by hand and it really shows that if FIlipinos embody any attribute to the fullests I would say it was their high levels of hard core work ethic.

Click me, I'm an amazing picture!
I've totally gone off topic. Man, I really did that time. So what I ACTUALLY can't stand is the steamed rice they give you at chinese fast food places, especially Panda Express. I've figured out that this is because most people get the fried rice and chow mein (one of the worst nutritional decisions ever. There's enough calories in the orange chicken to keep you going the whole day, why do you need a fried rice and noodles? How much oil do you think it takes to coat EVERY grain of rice and EVERY noodle? Alot. duh. ) And to make fried rice, you need day old rice. Not dryly made rice, but day old rice. But at these places they just make shitty dry rice solely because they make fried rice out of it. So when you ask for steamed rice, it's just horrible little pebble-like, shamefully dry rice. GRRRR!