Ennui for free

Welcome to my blog! It should be smooooth sailing, folks ... I'm kidding. It shan't be - at least I hope not. Upsetting? Perhaps. Neurotic? Probably. But I assure you that it will always remain far from unreadable. In all earnestness, please enjoy. I hope this isn't a waste of your time ... because I'll admit to you, - friend, stranger, critic, etc - with my heart, beating, vulnerable and moist on my sleeve - it will never be a waste of mine.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

My idea of a short blog

Haven't been in the blogging mood in a while. . . I actually got tired of writing all my thoughts out cuz it made me think about things too much, and I already do that. I'm, like, sick of my own opinion. Very wierd feeling

So I thought I'd do little blogs to start off. Here goes.

I borrowed the 2 disc Pan's Labyrinth DVD from John's Dad cuz John bought the movie only DVD of the movie. I'm kind of a person who will love watching "Making of-" featurettes more than movies. John and I are very different that way. I will watch a movie, a movie from my top ten list, like twice. And I'll be good. It'll leave its impression on me and I need nothing more. But John actually watches movies over and over and over. He'll just throw on Pirates of the Caribbean during dinner. And then it eats up 3 hours of my time, I look up and it's time to sleep. And I feel dumb cuz I've already seen the movie and could've had that 3 hours back. Not that Pirates isn't a total classic. It is. I just hate getting sucked into any task lasting 3 hours.

Anyways, that was prolly just the first digression. So, yeah, the Pans Labyrinth special edition DVD is one of the best I've seen in a long time. Not only were there awesome Pale Man and Faun design/makeup/prosthetic featurettes, they had included a Charlie Rose interview with Del Toro, Alfonso Cuaron and Inarritu!!!

And it was the most watchable, intellectual yet fun yet stimulating discussion about film/storytelling/art I've heard since being in my lit classes in college. Man. Seriously. Good.

I also really liked the interactive thing that allowed the viewer to go through Guillermo Del Toro's notebook. You click on certain things and it leads to even more mini vids on how the movie makes us say, 'Wow that was a really good movie'.

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