Great things about the Bay Area, 2nd of many
Radio I don't know why, but radio here is wonderful. Actually, what I really can't figure out is how radio here can be so different. Clear Channel and other media companies seem to exist mostly to feed the greedy wallets of those in the music business, and most importantly the pop business. Radio wasn't horrible in L.A. but man, at a time when there is no shock to the new, they play just the right amount of old stuff to make your day (or most likely, your grueling drive) get-throughable. I've have not heard mid-career Janet Jackson dance tracks since Janet Jackson was in her mid-career! I mean, there's a difference between nostalgia (Mariah Carey's Someday) and something that you love but just haven't heard in a while (Janet Jackson's If!). Nostalgia is definitely a tapped market (Hot Topic, Special Editions of Labyrinth and The Last Unicorn, etc.), but the latter is just so fun to have around when your stuck in midday traffic. Sure, people still play Hey Ya and once a month they bring out En Vogue's Hold On, which are fantastic songs. But man, one time I was pulling out of Target and I heard Free Your Mind!!! I nearly shat my pants it felt so good! After that ended and I stopped dancing and narrowly averting curbs and small children, they played The way you move by Outkast. On a tuesday afternoon! These are not one time moments either, they be playin the good shit all the time. They've been playing so much Prince that I don't even mourn the loss of my Prince Greatest Hits CD that John bought for me after I saw an infomercial for it. Score!

Great things about the Bay Area, 3rd of many
public tranportation Sucks that I work nights, I can't really use it right now. Sigh. But oh man, I've heard that the public transportation here is some of the best in the nation. I believe it. I saw a bus the other day that has free WIFI. On a bus. ON A BUS.
side note: I'm writing poolside. And you're not. haha. . . I'm watching John float about in the pool, attempting get a primer tan. Maybe all that body hair is getting in the way. Or maybe he's just been working/gaming too much. Or maybe he's not really Mexican/a quarter Filipino. HAHA. I'm so mean. But it's ok, cuz he won't do anything. ;} Cody, on the other hand, really hates it here. There's a big tub of water, no grass to poop on and new concrete which prolly smells like wet children and not like the piss of other dogs. Not exactly a fun place for him - it's like a big mix of everything he hates.

Great things about the Bay Area, 3rd of many
public tranportation Sucks that I work nights, I can't really use it right now. Sigh. But oh man, I've heard that the public transportation here is some of the best in the nation. I believe it. I saw a bus the other day that has free WIFI. On a bus. ON A BUS.
side note: I'm writing poolside. And you're not. haha. . . I'm watching John float about in the pool, attempting get a primer tan. Maybe all that body hair is getting in the way. Or maybe he's just been working/gaming too much. Or maybe he's not really Mexican/a quarter Filipino. HAHA. I'm so mean. But it's ok, cuz he won't do anything. ;} Cody, on the other hand, really hates it here. There's a big tub of water, no grass to poop on and new concrete which prolly smells like wet children and not like the piss of other dogs. Not exactly a fun place for him - it's like a big mix of everything he hates.
Labels: Brown Pride, Janet Jackson
At 4:09 PM,
Anonymous said…
Uh huh... youse is gonna get it for this one.
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