Ennui for free

Welcome to my blog! It should be smooooth sailing, folks ... I'm kidding. It shan't be - at least I hope not. Upsetting? Perhaps. Neurotic? Probably. But I assure you that it will always remain far from unreadable. In all earnestness, please enjoy. I hope this isn't a waste of your time ... because I'll admit to you, - friend, stranger, critic, etc - with my heart, beating, vulnerable and moist on my sleeve - it will never be a waste of mine.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Paper bags

The guy at Trader Joe's (HB) was pretty stoked that I brought my 6 month old paper bags back to the register today. He said the pallet of bags consumed every day at their store alone is the size of a Scion... seriously, do you people throw those wonderful things away? And then are you able to sleep that night?

Because of the weight transfer displacement chaos theory that is inherent in a rectangular, tall paper bag of decent strength, the typical TJ bag is substantially more adequate than the current typical plastic grocery bag if only for this reason alone: it totally makes the stuff feel lighter. It can't be just me who has found this to be the case... ofcourse there's always the annoyance of coming home with 7 items packed by a nitwit into 10 bags. I swear. Do people really complain if you put bread in the same bag as ice cream? They can't be reused... or rather, not enough to justify how many we go through in a day. Good only for bathroom trash cans and dog poop bags-and oh yeah, and for killing my palms when I try to put more than 2 things in them - it's kind of disheartening that I have a huge, convoluted rant about the subject, but it all boils down to my claim that people do too many petty things EVERY DAY that make very little sense.

Speaking of paper bags (and to lighten this entry a bit) ... I found out that Fiona Apple's sister is a cabaret singer. Even more interesting is the realization I had: she sounds just like Fiona Apple's sister. The reason I think that's really important is cuz she could have easily been a singer who just sounds like "cabaret style" Fiona or even suffered worser fates, including but not limited to A) an existence entirely based on having a famous sister; B) an existence entirely based on mediocre talent AND surviving solely on having a famous sister. But instead, she's got a cool name, she's really cute and she's really good... (while looking and sounding, just a tad, like her sister)

Makinig dito: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5221536


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